Your conference in the best hands.A very special location and individual and personal support make the difference for us.
Everything for your conference - Whether it's a seminar, customer event, employee training or vernissage - we plan your event with attention to detail and tailored to your needs. With know-how and passion, we promise to make your event a success. Meet in a modern ambience with a view of the lake and enjoy the culinary variety at the AMERON Zurich.
Our AMERON day package offers you the all-round carefree package for your conference. You don't need to worry about the small details - with us you have individuality with full cost control.
CHF 150,00 (bookable from 10 persons)
CHF 120.00 (bookable from 10 persons)
CHF 15,00 per person
CHF 25,00 per person
CHF 75,00 per person
CHF 15,00 per person
CHF 30,00 per person
CHF 55,00 per person
From "small but nice" to large conference dinners, our banquet and meeting rooms offer the perfect setting for your event.