Careers with guaranteed quality: top prospects for talented young people!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to learn at one of the top hotel industry employers in the world while also belonging to a group of companies that offers something more in every respect with its “A passion for you” quality pledge?
You get top-class training that will make you a sought-after and valued team member throughout the world of hospitality.
If you want to experience the hotel industry as a school student or gain practical experience as part of your university studies, an internship or traineeship at Althoff Hotels is ideal for you. Contact us if you are interested and arrange your trial appointment!
In collaboration with the La Capriola foundation, we offer young people in need of support the opportunity to train as qualified professionals.
The aim of the vocational training is to enable them to professionally and socially integrate into the labour market. It is just as important to give these young people the opportunity to live as independently as possible. They are therefore given individual support during the apprenticeship in shared accommodation with socio-educational supervision.
The caregivers promote their strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses, preparing them for independent living.
For more information, visit the La Capriola Website.