• Flexible rebooking and cancellation conditions
  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Price advantages compared to online travel agents
  • Personal contact persons
  • Larger selection of room categories
  • Additional services to book directly
  • Exclusive offers on our website
  • Free room category upgrade subject to availability


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  • Flexible rebooking and cancellation conditions
  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Price advantages compared to online travel agents
  • Personal contact persons
  • Larger selection of room categories
  • Additional services to book directly
  • Exclusive offers on our website
  • Free room category upgrade subject to availability


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Hotel Königshof Team


At the AMERON Bonn Hotel Königshof we are individual and hearty hosts.

Althoff Hotels – The hoteliers company

It’s never too late to do what you’ve always wanted to do. Join our team! With a shared commitment and focus, we will achieve success that will bring satisfaction to each and every one of us – WE are looking forward to meeting YOU!

I look forward to receiving your application:

Florian Pick | Hotel manager

Telephone: +49 (0) 228 2601 530
Email: pick(at)ameronhotels.com

Althoff Hotels - A PASSION FOR YOU

At the AMERON Bonn Hotel Königshof, we aim to work together to make our hotel something very special! Together, we will develop your potential and support you on your career path. We look forward to hearing from you!

Jan Martinez | HR

Telephone: +49 (0) 228 2601 538
Email: martinez(at)hotel-koenigshof-bonn.de

We focus on you

Staff benefits

Whatever a company’s mission statement says, it needs to be embraced by all involved otherwise it remains just empty words. We know this. That’s why it’s important for us to show you how much we appreciate you. Staff benefits include…

  • Active support in finding accommodation
  • Attractive working time models, individually tailored to your personal needs (e.g. full-time, part-time, table-sharing, 5-day week, year-round position, etc.)
  • Fair pay, at least at the NRW collective wage agreement rates
  • State-supported savings schemes as well as Christmas and holiday bonuses
  • Sunday and public holiday bonuses
  • Accurate working hour records
  • Fashionable work clothes
  • Work clothes laundering
  • Correct overtime and comp day compensation
  • Wide-ranging training and further education programme at the Althoff Academy
  • Personal development and promotion opportunities
  • Cross training and task forces
  • Transfer opportunities within Althoff Hotels
  • Staff and family & friends rates within all Althoff hotels
  • Staff discounts on F&B services, spa treatments and cultural and event highlights
  • Corporate benefits for products and services
  • Bonus for recruitment referrals
  • Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries
  • Team events and trainee excursions
  • Health days with health checks
  • Staff restaurant with healthy food
  • Regular staff satisfaction surveys and action taken to achieve improvements

More information about staff benefits:




Althoff Academy | Grow with Althoff

To provide the perfect hospitality you need talent and good training.

We would like to take this opportunity to share our company motto "A Passion for you" with you. We would like to support you with passion on your very personal career path at the AMERON Bonn Hotel Königshof - and perfect hospitality requires talent and good training.


Workplace with a Rhine view

Bonn is the perfect base for enjoying both the Rhine River and city life: a boat trip, shopping in the old city quarter or a cool beer in the “Bönnsch”. Bonn is a multifaceted and distinctive location year-round and a perfect place to enjoy a good work-life balance! The AMERON Bonn Hotel Königshof is located directly on the Rhine. Just 30 km south of Cologne and 10 km north of the Siebengebirge hills, it is steeped in history and right in the heart of the Rhineland! We look forward to hearing from you!


The AMERON Bonn Hotel Königshof has received the following awards:

  • IHK training company (IHK Ausbildungsbetrieb)
  • KURS learning partner (KURS Lernpartner)
  • Chamber's best training performance Final vocational examination Hofa 2022 (Kammerbeste Ausbildungsleistung Berufsabschlussprüfung Hofa 2022)
  • Rolling Pin Top Employer 2023 (Althoff Hotels)
  • Schlummer Atlas Top Employer Hotel Industry 2024 (Althoff Hotels)

Testimonials from our employees


Over my many years at the Althoff Hotels, I could continue developing and progressing by always having opportunities to take on new tasks, challenges and roles provided by my supervisors and the Althoff head office. All the new experiences I have gained have also helped my personal growth and expanded my horizons.

My career at the Althoff Hotels began in 2005 as a front of house trainee at the AMERON Bonn Hotel Königshof. I already got the opportunity then to work in banquet sales. After completing my training, I was given a permanent position there and in the following years was able to work my way up from banquet secretary to banquet manager and head of department. I was also working as a personal assistant to our former VP of AMERON Hotels. I was able to support new openings and the induction of new colleagues at various establishments such as the former Parkhotel Euskirchen and our AMERON Neuschwanstein Alpsee Resort & Spa.

Since April 2018 I have been working as the deputy manager of our hotel in Bonn.